We offer exact replacement of pipelines and equipment including manufacturing of pipelines and equipment. The advantage of our new workflow is the drastically reduced downtime of your plant!
Our new and approved workflow includes the following steps:
1. 3D Laser Scan of existing pipeline, apparatus or equipment
2. Exact planning of new pipeline in 3-D CAE system and generation of isometric drawing for the work shop
3. Pipeline manufacturing in approved workshop
4. 3D-Laser Scan of new pipeline
5. Identification of production lags
6. Revision of pipeline in workshop until planned dimensions are reached
7. Delivery of pipeline to site
Your advantages:
- Result is a 1:1 copy of existing pipeline or apparatus, reduces installation time drastically
- Pressure test and certification done in workshop, no delay on site!
- Down time of your plant is reduced!
Please contact us for more information!